By Gloria James-Civetta

Contact us for a free initial consultation.

    Punishment Under s308 – Attempt to Commit Culpable Homicide

    2 min read

    Attempt to Commit Culpable Homicide

    1. Whoever does any act with such;
      • intention
      • or knowledge
    2. and under such circumstances that if he, by the act that he was about to commit;
    3. would cause death as a result of which he would be guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder;
    4. shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may;
      • extend to 7 years
      • or with a fine
      • or with both imprisonment and a fine
    5. and if hurt is caused to any person by such act carried out by the offender, he shall be punished with;
      • imprisonment for a term which may extend to 15 years
      • or with a fine
      • or with caning
      • or with ANY combination of such punishments
    6. How Gloria James-Civetta & Co can help you

      • At GJC Law, we understand the severity of these charges. If you have been charged or are under investigation, our experienced team of criminal defence lawyers offer you strong representation from the moment you are aware charges could arise.
      • Your initial consultation with our criminal law team is Free.
      • Contact or call us for advice.


      • A, on grave and sudden provocation, fires a pistol at Z, under such circumstances that if he thereby caused death he would be guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder. A has committed the offence defined in this section.
      • References have been made to the Penal Code, Cap 224


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    Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact our criminal representation lawyers at 6337 0469 or email us at