By Gloria James-Civetta

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    Drunk man molests woman on flight kicks 2 policemen

    < 1 min read
    Reported in “The New Paper” 02/05/2015

    The accused was a passenger on board British Airways on 3rd March.

    While the plane was taxiing on the runway of Changi Airport, the accused started touching the female passenger next to him. The victim pushed him away but he continued to put his arm around her and tried to kiss her.

    The flight returned back to the gate where two cops arrested the accused. He struggled with the officers and in the process, he kicked one of the officers on his left jaw and the other officer in his face. It was revealed that his blood contained 224mg of ethanol per 100ml.

    Our criminal defence counsel, urged the judge to consider a fine to be imposed on our client. The fact that the accused had no prior antecedents in Singapore and in Australia was considered.

    The Deputy Public Prosecutor recommended a total sentence of between a three and four month’s jail term. We were successful in attaining a more lenient sentence of 2 months and 3 weeks in jail for our client.

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