By Gloria James-Civetta

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    Marriage Offences

    2 min read
    Offences relating to marriage

    In Singapore, offences relating to marriage are criminalised under the penal code.

    Cohabitation caused by a man deceitfully inducing a belief of lawful marriage

    According to Section 493 of the Penal Code, a man will be liable if he deceives a woman into believing that she is lawfully married to him and lives with him or has sexual intercourse with him.
    Punishment: According to Section 493, the offender will be punished for a term up to 10 years and will also be liable for a fine.

    Marriage again during the lifetime of husband and wife

    According to Section 494, it is an offence for a person who has a husband or wife, to get married and have such marriage void for the reason being that the marriage took place during the life or such husband and wife.

    Punishment: According to Section 494, the offender will be punished for a term up to 7 years and will also be liable for a fine.

    Same offence with concealment of the former marriage from the person with whom subsequent marriage is contracted

    According to Section 495, whoever commits the offence under Section 494, concealing from the wife or husband from the subsequent marriage is contracted the fact of previous marriage shall be guilty of the offence.

    Punishment: According to Section 495, the offender will be punished for a term up to 10 years and will also be liable for a fine.

    Marriage ceremony gone through with fraudulent intent without lawful marriage

    According to Section 496, whoever dishonestly or with fraudulently with the intention to go through the ceremony of being married, with the knowledge that he is not thereby lawfully married shall be guilty of the offence.

    Punishment: According to Section 496, the offender will be punished for a term up to 7 years and will also be liable for a fine

    What can we do for you?

    Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact our criminal representation lawyers at 6337 0469 or email us at