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    Our Criminal Lawyers

    At GJC Law, our Criminal lawyers believe in representation at the most immediate opportunity and stress the importance of putting your case forward even if it’s at the initial stage of investigation.

    Gloria James-Civetta

    Head Lawyer
    Gloria James-Civetta has 27 yrs of legal experience. She is an advocate & solicitor, barrister, mediator and collaborative practice lawyer.

    Chong Xin Yi (Liesel)​

    Senior Lawyer
    Chong Xin Yi (Liesel) graduated from Singapore Management University in 2013 and admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore in 2014.
    Noelle Teoh

    Noelle Teoh

    Associate Lawyer
    Noelle graduated from the Singapore University of Social Sciences in 2022 and was admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore in August 2023.